Employee Profile
For your Electric Car Salary Sacrifice calculation we need you to provide some basic details about the driver.
Don't worry if you are unsure about any item - you can return to the profile later and make changes.
Follow the questions and prompts on the screen - the key items you need to provide are:
- Pay Interval - Select Monthly or Weekly
- Tax Residence - Choose where you have your tax residence (different rates of income tax apply in Scotland compared to the rest of the UK)
- PAYE - Choose if your PAYE code begins with numbers or letters - you may be asked for the actual code too depending on your selection
- Pay, Overtime, Bonuses, Other Pay and Benefits - We need this information to calculate your tax and National Insurance; enter the amount and press the 'Enter' key or equivalent to see your total pay calculated
- Pension - If you are a member of a company pension scheme select those elements of pay which are pensionable and your contributions rate; we'll calculate the contributions due
When you're finished click on the 'Car Profile' button.